Live Performances
A collection of essays and plays
"A Lock of Keats' Hair"
“On and Off the Runway”
David Masello reads "The Memorial"
Pass-Through (what I see through the opening in my apartment)
Where I’d Left Off (I was 17 and my father needed work)
Dual Portrait (a painted portrait and a portrait of someone I’d once been with)
A Symptom of the Past (an old “girlfriend” from college visits me)
Shadow Run (a visit to my father in Florida)
Time to Go Home (when I used to go to gay bars and why I no longer go)
“My Friend Lodovico”
Souvenirs of the Emperor (a visit to Hadrian’s villa reminds me of home)
From the Passenger Side (life with—and without—a collector)
Scale and Effect (why I had come to love a friend)
Prior to Landing (hearing the voices of my grandparents in Italy)
A Thirst (an act of kindness)
Taking a New Direction (meeting a famous New Yorker)
The Middle Distance (a one-act drama at Manhattan Repertory Theatre)
What the Sun Reveals (a one-act drama, performed by the AND Theatre Company, February 2019)
Hold On (still shots from my solo/monologue performance at AND Theatre Company, November 2018)
FJORDS, a short one-act play by David Masello about two men who meet during the pandemic